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2015年04月09日 20:21:02 访问量:1341






1-5 CDABA    6-10 DDCBC     11-15 BDCDB   16-20 CABDB    21-25 CBDAC 

26-30 DCABC  31-35 BACDC    36-40 DBABD   41-45 CABCA    46-50 DCBAD



第一节 阅读表达

1. 本节总分为10分,每小题2分。考生答案与参考答案意思相符,语法正确得2分;

2. 考生答案与参考答案意思不符,不得分。语法错误,表达不当酌情扣分;

3. 超出字数限制应酌情扣分。本题得分、扣分均不含0.5分。

56. By self-teaching.57. On a train.58. His deafness.59. In 1931.

60. The whole life of Edison./About Edison./ Edison’s story.

第二节 短文改错 (每小题1.5分,满分15)

Trying to come to a decision completely on your own can be risky. Some decisions are such


important that they shouldn’tmade without talking to others first. There are several advantages


whether you consult the persons you trust. For one thingthey can give you valuable advices and

 if                                                                    advice

they may point out some things you may have overlooked. For anotherfriends may stop you


from make big mistakes.


When consulting others about important decisionsyou should keep two things in mind.


The first one is that you need to find someone whom you respected them enough to trust their


judgment. The second thing to consider is how to do if you disagree with this person. Maybe


turning to a third or fourth person for help is the best option. Inwordmaking any big decision


alone can lead in problems. Talking to friends or family members first are always a good idea.

            to                                            is

第三节 书面表达 35分。

One possible version

I’m Li Hua, an excellent student with all-round development. I hope to be the Star of the Campus.

I spend most of my spare time doing volunteer work at weekends, helping the old or the disabled. With great intelligence, diligence, good learning methods and positive attitudes, I study well in all the subjects and often rank among the top three in the class. After class, I’m active in the playground, music clubs and some communities. The sport I like most is playing basketball and I have served as leader of our school basketball team for two years. I also take great delight in Chinese opera as well as singing pop songs. Besides, I take an active part in all sorts of social practices.

In a word, I’m an outstanding student, who has set a good example.


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