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英语导学案示范《必修1 Module 2 Reading》

2014年12月11日 17:48:48 访问量:769

必修1  Module 2  Reading


Learning aims

1.       Improve reading ability

2.       Learn and use the new words and expressions to describe a person.

Step 1 自主学习

Task 1 : Guessing game

According to some words and expressions describing a certain famous person, guess who he is. The group who gives the answer quickly scores.

1) attractive/ short-haired /the most popular female star            

2)tallest / calm/ basketball player / NBA            

3)young / amusing / handsome/energetic/be good at magic           

Task 2 try to collect some adjectives describing persons.(You can refer to dictionary or reference books)


3 Look at the pictures in the passage and fill in the blanks (use adjectives)


Your impression

Your partner’s impression

Mrs. Li



Mrs. Chen



Mr.. Wu



Task 4. 1)Read the passage about three teachers ,check your prediction

Mrs. Li        _______________

Mrs. Chen      _______________

Mr. Wu        ____________________

2) Match the paragraphs with their main ideas.

Step 2 合作探究

Task 1  Skimming

1. What’s that girl’s first impression of Mrs. Li?


2. What subjects does each teacher teach?


3. Which teachers explain things clearly?


4. What do students think of Mrs. Chen?


5. Who is the most popular teacher?


Task 2. Read the text carefully againfill in the blanks and check answers with each other.





Why students like him / her

Useful expressions

Mrs. Li






Mrs. Chen






Mr.. Wu






Task 3 According to the form, describe one of the three teachers in groups orally and the others guess who he / she is describing.


Step 3 即时训练

Task 1 基础训练

I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语意思,写出该单词的正确形式。

1. Everyone laughed except Mr. Broadbent, who didn’t hear the j_________.

2. You may not like her, but you have to a_________ that she’s good at her job.

3. The nurses came out to w_________ Grandpa goodbye.

4. She has read many of the major works of _________ (文学).

5. The group produced a monthly _________ (总结) of their research.

6. He is a very strict teacher, but the students _________ (尊敬) him.

7. What my new English teacher said to me made a deep i_____ on me

8. Seeing the teacher coming, Kate can’t help ______(避免) talking to him

9. Someone knocked _______ (loud) at the door.

10. I ________ (complete) forgot that it was his birthday yesterday.

Task 3 提高训练

 Describe one of your favorite teachers using the words and phrases learned in the passage.






Step 4 评点总结


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